Sunday, December 13, 2009

Beauty Salon Furniture

Salon furniture includes the furniture and equipment used in beauty and hair salons. Salon Furniture is a range of categories, such as massages, distribute and body care, nail care, hair care and skin care. Salon furniture includes styling and barber chairs, massage tables, facial steamers, shampoo chairs and mats, furniture and vehicles and carts.

There are many types of salon furniture to choose from, depending on the interior. There are classic styles indifferent colors and modern designs. Salon furniture, new or used, is sold in a beauty salon equipment store.

It is important to choose the right type salon furniture, since old-fashioned and worn lounge furniture does not appeal to customers. It is essential for salon owners to maintain their equipment in order to increase their clients.

Buy salon furniture to improve the appearance and a touch of professionalism to the premises. The selected device should be able to providethe necessary services, without interference in the room. A salon is only beginning to cut hair care services such as shampooing and hair. After a while, the salon owner may want to expand with spa services and add manicures and pedicures to the list. It is necessary for the salon owner to purchase the required additional salon furniture and materials.

The most important detail is taken into account, the cost of the equipment. Salon furniture is fit every household of the owner.It is possible to lease salon furniture, temporarily. The quality of the furniture showroom is perhaps the most important consideration. It goes through a lot of dedication and must be well thought out. It is always advisable to check on the reputation of the manufacturer and the seller. It is important to give a thought to the availability of reliable customer service.

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Friday, December 11, 2009

The First Lady Visits Caroline Family Practice

First Lady Michelle Obama visited Caroline Family Practice Community Health Center, a community clinic in Virginia. In her remarks, she explained the importance of primary and preventive and health insurance reform so that everyone has access to quality, affordable care. 27. July 2009. (Public Domain) ... "Health care", "health insurance reform" rural "health care" "Community Clinics", "basic", "preventive treatment" ... White House ... Ms Reed: I am Bettina ...

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Thursday, December 10, 2009

Q&A: H1N1 Panel: Where are we with Pandemic Influenza?

. The Panel was of the Monterey County Health Education Consortium, 9 September 2009 presented and included the participation of Krista Hanni, an epidemiologist at the Monterey County Health Department, Allen Radner, Infectious Disease Specialist at NMC, SVMH, CHOMP, Lisa Hernandez, deputy health officer for the Monterey County Health Department, Hugh Stallworth, Health Officer at the Monterey County Health Department, Ron Garren from the Community Hospital of Monterey Peninsula and ...

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Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Why Our Food is Dangerous to Our Health

The National Marine Fisheries Service lists China as 70 percent of America's tilapia supply. China and Thailand are the largest supplier of shrimp. After a trip has more than two thousand miles in Mainland China and spending five days on the Yangtze River, I am alarmed at the condition of our imported seafood from Asia.

The waterways of China and Hong Kong are so polluted with industrial chemicals, agricultural effluents and wastes human seafood exporters haverely on the antibiotic treatment, alive only to the fish. I saw several bloated and decaying bodies, human and animal, floating down the Yangtze. The Yangtze River empties into the waterways, fished out of which a majority of the exported seafood. Seafood from Asia Fish Farms is no healthier than seafood caught in the wild. Thai and Chinese fishponds are notoriously filthy and pumped full of antibiotics. The FDA discovered the presence of the powerful antibiotic, chloramphenicol, in theimported Asian shrimp. Studies link the antibiotic chloramphenicol, a carcinogen, to anemia and leukemia, especially in children. In a recent article, CBS News correspondent Wyatt Andrews, food safety expert Caroline Smith Dewaal quotes "Chloramphenciol is a serious problem in the human diet," she said. "It's like a drug that is not mandatory."

Catfish imports from China are another serious problem for the presence of antibiotics. Flouoroquinolone antibioticsthe FDA has banned for use in food show in tests on catfish imported from China carried out. "Aside from the health risks of imports have also become a threat to the economy of the Mississippi Delta, which offers more than three fourths of the catfish eaten in the United States," said a report on National Public Radio aired. An influx of cheap imports from Asia and share the American catfish farmers out of business.

Since only about one percent of ourimported fish is monitored by the FDA, most of the contaminated seafood landed on our dinner tables.

Our imported fruits and vegetables are not fairing better. After a decline Associated Press analysis of FDA records, border inspectors consistently Mexican peppers and chilies. Ten percent of the rejected and chili peppers have been infected with salmonella. Because the FDA is less than one percent of all foreign food in the country, ten percent of one percent of inspectedalarming. Mexican imports are disturbing sources of concern, not only for salmonella and E. coli to produce but also from the heavy pesticides the Mexican Agricultural Industry use in growing. It is as "the circle of poison" means. Chemical companies to sell Mexican AGRIFARM pesticides that are banned in this county. There are no regulations in the United States for the export of banned or unregistered pesticides. Little, if any, there is control over the use of these pesticidescultivation of the fruits and vegetables from the Mexican farms. With fifty percent of imported fruits and vegetables in the United States from Mexico, we have an intolerable problem of contaminated food.

Because the FDA underfunded and understaffed, they change based on the consumer force.

First, do not buy fresh or frozen fish from Asia. Support your local fisheries and fishermen. Fish farms in the United States in general, use clean water, no antibiotics and noChemicals. If your local grocery store only leads Asian imports, request fish and seafood from the United States or safer imports from Canada, Australia and New Zealand, for example. World trade is not removed. To make sure you buy the more secure imports.

Second, limit to all fruits and vegetables from Mexico to reduce intake of pesticides. Buy locally if possible. Shop your local farmers and agricultural markets. Buy organic fruits and vegetables. Plant your own garden.

You are the authorTheir own health. Protect your well-being in healthy safe food. Let not the source of a food, a danger to your health.

Sandy Powers

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Tuesday, December 8, 2009

H1N1 Vaccine Clinic Information

Dr. Gloria Addo-Ayensu, Fairfax County Health Department Director, talks about the current H1N1 vaccine clinic and who should and should not participate. ... H1N1 fairfaxcounty Fairfax County virginiagovernment Flu Vaccine Clinic

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Monday, December 7, 2009

Abused horses get a new home

Rocky and Cinderella in a poor condition when they were rescued from a Stevens County Farm. But now, they have been accepted and are always very healthy. KXLY4's Tania Dall reports. ... KXLY Stevens County horse abuse animal cruelty

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Sunday, December 6, 2009


VIDEO NEWS FOR 6th October 2009. The Steuben County Health Department is gearing up for H1N1 vaccines you will find a 33 years old man, the Lutheran Hospital after falling 45 meters from a silo, a 22-year-old was flown highway workers, is killed instantly when painting antenna marks on the road one, more!

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Saturday, December 5, 2009

On Health Freedom and Parental Choice - Who Really Owns Your Child?

The case of Abraham Cherrix should send a deep chill through the heart of every parent.

After three months of ineffective treatments in 2005 for Hodgkin's lymphoma had suffered, Abraham rejected his doctor's recommendation by a second round of chemotherapy to go. He chose instead, in which one natural, non-toxic methods with alternative medicine.

According to his research, he traveled with his father to Bio-Medical Center in Tijuana, Mexico. Betreatments included liquid herbal supplements and sugar-free, organic diet consisting mainly of fresh fruits and vegetables. When she came home, she said Abraham oncologist, Dr. Rebecca Byrd, keep them involved in his care. Want no part of their decisions, they immediately declared their irrational decision, it referred to "medical neglect" and called the Accomack County Department of Social Services.

Within days, the town Social Services had staffwas partially awarded custody of Abraham, and at 5:20 Clock on Friday 21 July 2006 Judge Jesse E. Demps ruled that Abraham's parents were negligent. They were forced to sign their child in the hospital on the following Tuesday morning, and the authorization for medical treatment that they hold - like physicians - necessary to deliver. When they refused to do so, they could lose custody full custody of their children, and very likely to put their four other children in dangeras well.

This case caught the attention of the national media, because at the heart of every parent should ask the following questions: "Who really in control of my child?" "When a child is mature enough to participate in their own health decisions," "How are we to the point where doctors, judges and social workers have more rights than the parents' decisions about the health of my child?"

To an adult

In most cases,Years if a person acquires all the rights and obligations of being an adult is 18 years old. However, there are cases in which a child can be considered associated with a legal adult before the age of majority. How can Arizona, Florida, Massachusetts, New York and Utah, married at age 16 with parental consent. You can marry legally in Georgia, Mississippi, Michigan and North Carolina with the consent of the parents, if you are 15 years old. Texas allows for a 14 years oldget married with parental consent and New Hampshire is even possible to marry women 13 years old with parental consent and court permission. (1)

In six states (Connecticut, Hawaii, New York, Oregon, Vermont and Washington) and Washington DC, a 16-year-old has the right to an abortion without consent or notification of parents. Thirty-four other states have mechanisms in place to circumvent parental consent or notice requirement. (2)

A 16-year-old can hold a full-time job,Travel outside the country, drive a car and have full responsibility for the children, while someone was babysitting. A 16-year-old can be sentenced for murder as an adult.

But if you're 16, you have no right to say what kind of treatment is to force you out of the medical system, even if your parents support your right to refuse, too. Cherrix told the press: "This is my body that I should worry about. I should have the right to tell anyone what I want to have to do with this body.I have studied. I did the research. I came to this conclusion that the chemotherapy was not the way I wanted to take. "(3) His maturity is no weight in the court and gave no authority charged with the medical judge, his physician.

Parental Rights and the Foundation for medical neglect

When it comes to decisions about their children, parents really have few rights. This term comes from the ancient world and was first continued by Plato put on a state provided publicEducation. He lobbied for the elimination of child care for their parents and raised them as a ward of the state. It is interesting that in 1918, on the formation of the Congress of the Communist Party of the workers was claimed in Russia: "We must remove the children from the crude influence of their families." (4)

The mechanism for the enforcement of "educational neglect" (5)-such as truancy and in some cases, homeschooling (6) - is part of teachers and social workers. In medical decisions,Doctors are forced to medical "standard of care" treatments of the children of parents willing to be charged. Doctors have not only the right to step, they are mandated by state law to report abuse and neglect of medical services for children. The decision is usually made when a physician's action or inaction of a parent's view, places the child in danger of death or disability. A common occurrence is when a parent is a Jehovah's Witness who refuses a blood transfusion for theirChild for religious reasons.

Broad support and extensive court gives priority to the assistance of a physician's decision to call Children's Services. The reason for this authority is clearly stated in a paper that in 1996 states: "Whether (the parents) truly healthy, and in any other capacity model parents, insisting on treatment that is scientifically inferior to conventionally accepted method of treatment is unfair even if their intention is not. "(7)

Since the state is committedwith the premise that knows the "best doctor," are the parents as "unfit" if they refuse, a proposed conventional medical treatment. Social workers have the power to the child once told by a doctor that they pull a recalcitrant patient on the hands. Police have been known to enforce the decision by force of arms.

The current system was established to protect abused and neglected children too obvious. It would provide adequate protection if medical professionals wereaccessible to common sense. In the case of Abraham Cherrix, respects his parents and liked her conventional oncologist enough to inform them about their decision, they want to belong to an ongoing treatment of Abraham. The result reflects the current mess our medical system is in. Unfortunately, common sense is not very common these days and at odds with your doctor can lead to removal of the child from home.

Modern medicine operates under the pretext that "sciencerests. "It argues that their therapies were developed by the research gold standard: the double-blind, placebo-controlled, randomized, crossover study. However, most medical therapies has never been subjected to this type of analysis. Evidence - based medicine since the first since 1990 in progress. The list of standard medical therapies that have to be worthless, having been examined is long. Tens of thousands of people through the use of "usual and sufferedusual therapies before they become useless. (8) The implication that the alternative practices Cherrix searched the family "are unproven and dangerous" may very well be said about the conventional treatments it is forced by his oncologist.

The Cherrix case is one of a series of recent medical travesties where judges, doctors and the State have forced medical treatment of children against the concerns of parents. In January 2005, 13-year-old KatieWernecke was diagnosed with Hodgkin's lymphoma. When Katie's parents, Michelle and Edward Wernecke, radiation declined to intervene for her daughter, Texas Children Services. Katie was in foster care for four months and her mother was placed under arrest on charges of interference with custody of children. (9)

In the past year (July 2006), the parents were informed by a 9-month-old boy, Riley Rogers, the fact that the child needs emergency surgery for a kidney problem. The mother did not agree and smuggledher son from the hospital. A few days later he was found and sent to the hospital, the mother was charged with second-degree kidnapping and sent to prison. It turned out that the operation was not an "emergency" after all. (10)

Americans die at the other on the side of the world into a "fight for freedom." And yet, the freedom to choose vitamins, organic foods and herbs over toxic, potentially lethal treatment is considered a crime. The total number of deaths caused byConventional medicine is more than 780,000 per year, so that (the medical system the leading cause of death and injury in the U.S. 11) Whose freedoms should we fight?

These stories should enrage all parents. Who really "owns" your child? Who owns your body? Americans need to declare their freedom from the grip of conventional medicine and its authoritarian tactics. As clearly by U.S. House of Representatives, Ron Paul, a doctor, "When we told the government the powerto make medical decisions for us, which we accept, in essence, that the state owns our bodies. "Have we at this point?

Justice in the Aftermath

This terrible example of bureaucratic overreach gave birth to Abraham's Law, a law in Virginia law in February 2007 was signed by a 87-9 vote in the House. The law allows parents or legal caregivers to refuse medical treatment for a child when she and the child agree, if the child is at least 14 years old and asMature if they had other options considered, and if they think their decision in the best interest of the child. (12) Virginia legislature did a good thing, by this law, but it is outrageous that the law had to be worked out, the first place. With its passage, but the work has just begun. The next step is to ensure that this right is guaranteed by federal law in every state.

There are many politically active organizations are working diligently to preserveRights of American citizens. Such an organization, the American Association for Health Freedom (AAHF), played a role in the adoption of the law of Abraham. AAHF, the politically active voice for consumers at the federal level, fighting for a right of patients to choose the best therapy for his family to protect. Moreover AAHF will work on state law, the physician's ability, alternative medical treatment without fear of reprisals by government provide medical coverage to adoptboards. Please contact AAHF through the Health Freedom website to engage.

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Friday, December 4, 2009

Hawaii Medical Marijuana 1 of 4

Information network. We share information concerning Hawai'i medicinal cannabis / marijuana laws and practices. Partnered with Maui County Citizens for Democracy in Action (MCCFDIA), PWT has mounted an extensive campaign to the District and State levels to provide better for the medical cannabis / marijuana patients in Hawaii. Maui County Citizens for Democracy in Action (MCCFDIA) is in the middle of the largest voter registration drive people have ever seen ...

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Thursday, December 3, 2009

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Wednesday, December 2, 2009

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Tuesday, December 1, 2009