Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Why Our Food is Dangerous to Our Health

The National Marine Fisheries Service lists China as 70 percent of America's tilapia supply. China and Thailand are the largest supplier of shrimp. After a trip has more than two thousand miles in Mainland China and spending five days on the Yangtze River, I am alarmed at the condition of our imported seafood from Asia.

The waterways of China and Hong Kong are so polluted with industrial chemicals, agricultural effluents and wastes human seafood exporters haverely on the antibiotic treatment, alive only to the fish. I saw several bloated and decaying bodies, human and animal, floating down the Yangtze. The Yangtze River empties into the waterways, fished out of which a majority of the exported seafood. Seafood from Asia Fish Farms is no healthier than seafood caught in the wild. Thai and Chinese fishponds are notoriously filthy and pumped full of antibiotics. The FDA discovered the presence of the powerful antibiotic, chloramphenicol, in theimported Asian shrimp. Studies link the antibiotic chloramphenicol, a carcinogen, to anemia and leukemia, especially in children. In a recent article, CBS News correspondent Wyatt Andrews, food safety expert Caroline Smith Dewaal quotes "Chloramphenciol is a serious problem in the human diet," she said. "It's like a drug that is not mandatory."

Catfish imports from China are another serious problem for the presence of antibiotics. Flouoroquinolone antibioticsthe FDA has banned for use in food show in tests on catfish imported from China carried out. "Aside from the health risks of imports have also become a threat to the economy of the Mississippi Delta, which offers more than three fourths of the catfish eaten in the United States," said a report on National Public Radio aired. An influx of cheap imports from Asia and share the American catfish farmers out of business.

Since only about one percent of ourimported fish is monitored by the FDA, most of the contaminated seafood landed on our dinner tables.

Our imported fruits and vegetables are not fairing better. After a decline Associated Press analysis of FDA records, border inspectors consistently Mexican peppers and chilies. Ten percent of the rejected and chili peppers have been infected with salmonella. Because the FDA is less than one percent of all foreign food in the country, ten percent of one percent of inspectedalarming. Mexican imports are disturbing sources of concern, not only for salmonella and E. coli to produce but also from the heavy pesticides the Mexican Agricultural Industry use in growing. It is as "the circle of poison" means. Chemical companies to sell Mexican AGRIFARM pesticides that are banned in this county. There are no regulations in the United States for the export of banned or unregistered pesticides. Little, if any, there is control over the use of these pesticidescultivation of the fruits and vegetables from the Mexican farms. With fifty percent of imported fruits and vegetables in the United States from Mexico, we have an intolerable problem of contaminated food.

Because the FDA underfunded and understaffed, they change based on the consumer force.

First, do not buy fresh or frozen fish from Asia. Support your local fisheries and fishermen. Fish farms in the United States in general, use clean water, no antibiotics and noChemicals. If your local grocery store only leads Asian imports, request fish and seafood from the United States or safer imports from Canada, Australia and New Zealand, for example. World trade is not removed. To make sure you buy the more secure imports.

Second, limit to all fruits and vegetables from Mexico to reduce intake of pesticides. Buy locally if possible. Shop your local farmers and agricultural markets. Buy organic fruits and vegetables. Plant your own garden.

You are the authorTheir own health. Protect your well-being in healthy safe food. Let not the source of a food, a danger to your health.

Sandy Powers

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