Sunday, March 14, 2010

Obamas Medical Record Plan

President Obama is in motion, and electronically with the controversial project to all medical records. The President proposed to start at Harvard Medical School professor David Blumenthal, a federal Health Information Network. The system would allow doctors to exchange information over the Internet. The project is a hot topic with the doctors here in the Bay Area, partly because more doctors are actually doing the Bay moving to a computerized system. In principle, access to information about a problem,Said Dr. Chris Politis, a urologist at St. Petersburg. Many times patients will receive x-rays, visit other doctors and unfortunately we can not have access to this information. This week in Clearwater, the Pinellas County Medical Association organized a seminar to discuss the pros and cons of a health IT network. And while Politis says he understands the reluctance of some, he believes the benefits will help doctors and patients. But as Letitia Stein, a health reporter with the St.St. Petersburg Times discovered, not every doctor is willing to give Bay, the paper files. They say the change could create a very complicated situation. Things that they're done very quickly because right now, do a long time for them. You must click the correct box to find. You're not familiar with the technology, "said Stein. A doctor said I even found that it cuts the time her patient interaction because it has put things in their files. There's also concern aboutClick ...

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