Wednesday, November 11, 2009

New Jersey Medicaid Waiver Programs

When a New Jersey resident, is required in the medical treatment, but then not to receive services under the state Medicaid program, it is be beneficial to explore the many waiver programs that are not available. These government programs are still a form of Medicaid, but have different restrictions and requirements and can have a wide range of home and community-based services. Many of the offered services designed to support, which would remain a resident in their homeland and not allow then enter into a nursing facility.

CCPED (Community Care program for the elderly and the disabled)

This Medicaid Waiver program provides services for people at risk who are in a nursing home. The program aims to delay or prevent the placement remain in a facility by a person in their community and at home. The participants receive Care Management services and other services, including prescription drugs, social, domestic and day> Health care. Applicants must meet a certain income requirements, and inclusion in the program is limited.

CAP (Caregiver Assistance Program)

This program is similar to CCPED because it is destined to persons run the risk that are in a nursing home to help. CAP offers many of the same services and some additional, as laborious and housewives services and special medical equipment and supplies. Applicants must be clinical and financial requirementsand services are limited by monthly cost.

ACCAP (AIDS Care Alternatives Program)

This program is for people diagnosed as AIDS, and children under 13 years can be diagnosed that HIV-positive. ACCAP provides full Medicaid benefits and benefits to individuals who can remain in the community, rather than be transferred to a nursing home or hospital facility. The program can be used for more than 750 people nationwide at anyTime.

TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury) Fund

This program is offered in New Jersey residents with an acquired brain injury and provides services and support that they can live independently in the community. The Fund does not provide support for the policy, resources and public programs are able to meet individual needs. Candidates must be resident of the State for at least 90 consecutive days, provide medical documentation of acquired brain injury andmeet some financial guidelines.

JACC (Jersey Assistance for the Commonwealth Advisor)

This program is similar to CCPED and GAP, and offers many of the same services. However JACC helps people who do not qualify for Medicaid or Medicaid waiver services. Candidates must be clinically eligible for nursing facility level of care, have no other option for the purchase of needed services and meet some financial guidelines. JACC has a lower limit maximum monthly benefitsto pay as CCPED and GAP and cooperation are required.

These programs also work with the national Respite Care program provides. This program support for unpaid carers by sharing responsibilities and offers a variety of home and community-based services for disabled and elderly. These services can be used occasionally or at regular times. The program also aims to aims to delay or deter a person from investing in a nursing home. Applicants must be somefinancial requirements and in need of Medicaid programs are enrolled to receive the additional Respite Care.

In addition to these national programs, there are also services that are on programs administered by the districts. For example, could the residents of Middlesex County for the Middlesex County Multi-Assistance Program (MCMAP). If you could reside in New Jersey and in the community or in residential care need to be in contactState or provincial Department of Human Services or contact a Home Health Care provider for your needs, determine eligibility and to process the application.

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