Sunday, December 13, 2009

Beauty Salon Furniture

Salon furniture includes the furniture and equipment used in beauty and hair salons. Salon Furniture is a range of categories, such as massages, distribute and body care, nail care, hair care and skin care. Salon furniture includes styling and barber chairs, massage tables, facial steamers, shampoo chairs and mats, furniture and vehicles and carts.

There are many types of salon furniture to choose from, depending on the interior. There are classic styles indifferent colors and modern designs. Salon furniture, new or used, is sold in a beauty salon equipment store.

It is important to choose the right type salon furniture, since old-fashioned and worn lounge furniture does not appeal to customers. It is essential for salon owners to maintain their equipment in order to increase their clients.

Buy salon furniture to improve the appearance and a touch of professionalism to the premises. The selected device should be able to providethe necessary services, without interference in the room. A salon is only beginning to cut hair care services such as shampooing and hair. After a while, the salon owner may want to expand with spa services and add manicures and pedicures to the list. It is necessary for the salon owner to purchase the required additional salon furniture and materials.

The most important detail is taken into account, the cost of the equipment. Salon furniture is fit every household of the owner.It is possible to lease salon furniture, temporarily. The quality of the furniture showroom is perhaps the most important consideration. It goes through a lot of dedication and must be well thought out. It is always advisable to check on the reputation of the manufacturer and the seller. It is important to give a thought to the availability of reliable customer service.

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Friday, December 11, 2009

The First Lady Visits Caroline Family Practice

First Lady Michelle Obama visited Caroline Family Practice Community Health Center, a community clinic in Virginia. In her remarks, she explained the importance of primary and preventive and health insurance reform so that everyone has access to quality, affordable care. 27. July 2009. (Public Domain) ... "Health care", "health insurance reform" rural "health care" "Community Clinics", "basic", "preventive treatment" ... White House ... Ms Reed: I am Bettina ...

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Thursday, December 10, 2009

Q&A: H1N1 Panel: Where are we with Pandemic Influenza?

. The Panel was of the Monterey County Health Education Consortium, 9 September 2009 presented and included the participation of Krista Hanni, an epidemiologist at the Monterey County Health Department, Allen Radner, Infectious Disease Specialist at NMC, SVMH, CHOMP, Lisa Hernandez, deputy health officer for the Monterey County Health Department, Hugh Stallworth, Health Officer at the Monterey County Health Department, Ron Garren from the Community Hospital of Monterey Peninsula and ...

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Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Why Our Food is Dangerous to Our Health

The National Marine Fisheries Service lists China as 70 percent of America's tilapia supply. China and Thailand are the largest supplier of shrimp. After a trip has more than two thousand miles in Mainland China and spending five days on the Yangtze River, I am alarmed at the condition of our imported seafood from Asia.

The waterways of China and Hong Kong are so polluted with industrial chemicals, agricultural effluents and wastes human seafood exporters haverely on the antibiotic treatment, alive only to the fish. I saw several bloated and decaying bodies, human and animal, floating down the Yangtze. The Yangtze River empties into the waterways, fished out of which a majority of the exported seafood. Seafood from Asia Fish Farms is no healthier than seafood caught in the wild. Thai and Chinese fishponds are notoriously filthy and pumped full of antibiotics. The FDA discovered the presence of the powerful antibiotic, chloramphenicol, in theimported Asian shrimp. Studies link the antibiotic chloramphenicol, a carcinogen, to anemia and leukemia, especially in children. In a recent article, CBS News correspondent Wyatt Andrews, food safety expert Caroline Smith Dewaal quotes "Chloramphenciol is a serious problem in the human diet," she said. "It's like a drug that is not mandatory."

Catfish imports from China are another serious problem for the presence of antibiotics. Flouoroquinolone antibioticsthe FDA has banned for use in food show in tests on catfish imported from China carried out. "Aside from the health risks of imports have also become a threat to the economy of the Mississippi Delta, which offers more than three fourths of the catfish eaten in the United States," said a report on National Public Radio aired. An influx of cheap imports from Asia and share the American catfish farmers out of business.

Since only about one percent of ourimported fish is monitored by the FDA, most of the contaminated seafood landed on our dinner tables.

Our imported fruits and vegetables are not fairing better. After a decline Associated Press analysis of FDA records, border inspectors consistently Mexican peppers and chilies. Ten percent of the rejected and chili peppers have been infected with salmonella. Because the FDA is less than one percent of all foreign food in the country, ten percent of one percent of inspectedalarming. Mexican imports are disturbing sources of concern, not only for salmonella and E. coli to produce but also from the heavy pesticides the Mexican Agricultural Industry use in growing. It is as "the circle of poison" means. Chemical companies to sell Mexican AGRIFARM pesticides that are banned in this county. There are no regulations in the United States for the export of banned or unregistered pesticides. Little, if any, there is control over the use of these pesticidescultivation of the fruits and vegetables from the Mexican farms. With fifty percent of imported fruits and vegetables in the United States from Mexico, we have an intolerable problem of contaminated food.

Because the FDA underfunded and understaffed, they change based on the consumer force.

First, do not buy fresh or frozen fish from Asia. Support your local fisheries and fishermen. Fish farms in the United States in general, use clean water, no antibiotics and noChemicals. If your local grocery store only leads Asian imports, request fish and seafood from the United States or safer imports from Canada, Australia and New Zealand, for example. World trade is not removed. To make sure you buy the more secure imports.

Second, limit to all fruits and vegetables from Mexico to reduce intake of pesticides. Buy locally if possible. Shop your local farmers and agricultural markets. Buy organic fruits and vegetables. Plant your own garden.

You are the authorTheir own health. Protect your well-being in healthy safe food. Let not the source of a food, a danger to your health.

Sandy Powers

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Tuesday, December 8, 2009

H1N1 Vaccine Clinic Information

Dr. Gloria Addo-Ayensu, Fairfax County Health Department Director, talks about the current H1N1 vaccine clinic and who should and should not participate. ... H1N1 fairfaxcounty Fairfax County virginiagovernment Flu Vaccine Clinic

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Monday, December 7, 2009

Abused horses get a new home

Rocky and Cinderella in a poor condition when they were rescued from a Stevens County Farm. But now, they have been accepted and are always very healthy. KXLY4's Tania Dall reports. ... KXLY Stevens County horse abuse animal cruelty

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Sunday, December 6, 2009


VIDEO NEWS FOR 6th October 2009. The Steuben County Health Department is gearing up for H1N1 vaccines you will find a 33 years old man, the Lutheran Hospital after falling 45 meters from a silo, a 22-year-old was flown highway workers, is killed instantly when painting antenna marks on the road one, more!

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Saturday, December 5, 2009

On Health Freedom and Parental Choice - Who Really Owns Your Child?

The case of Abraham Cherrix should send a deep chill through the heart of every parent.

After three months of ineffective treatments in 2005 for Hodgkin's lymphoma had suffered, Abraham rejected his doctor's recommendation by a second round of chemotherapy to go. He chose instead, in which one natural, non-toxic methods with alternative medicine.

According to his research, he traveled with his father to Bio-Medical Center in Tijuana, Mexico. Betreatments included liquid herbal supplements and sugar-free, organic diet consisting mainly of fresh fruits and vegetables. When she came home, she said Abraham oncologist, Dr. Rebecca Byrd, keep them involved in his care. Want no part of their decisions, they immediately declared their irrational decision, it referred to "medical neglect" and called the Accomack County Department of Social Services.

Within days, the town Social Services had staffwas partially awarded custody of Abraham, and at 5:20 Clock on Friday 21 July 2006 Judge Jesse E. Demps ruled that Abraham's parents were negligent. They were forced to sign their child in the hospital on the following Tuesday morning, and the authorization for medical treatment that they hold - like physicians - necessary to deliver. When they refused to do so, they could lose custody full custody of their children, and very likely to put their four other children in dangeras well.

This case caught the attention of the national media, because at the heart of every parent should ask the following questions: "Who really in control of my child?" "When a child is mature enough to participate in their own health decisions," "How are we to the point where doctors, judges and social workers have more rights than the parents' decisions about the health of my child?"

To an adult

In most cases,Years if a person acquires all the rights and obligations of being an adult is 18 years old. However, there are cases in which a child can be considered associated with a legal adult before the age of majority. How can Arizona, Florida, Massachusetts, New York and Utah, married at age 16 with parental consent. You can marry legally in Georgia, Mississippi, Michigan and North Carolina with the consent of the parents, if you are 15 years old. Texas allows for a 14 years oldget married with parental consent and New Hampshire is even possible to marry women 13 years old with parental consent and court permission. (1)

In six states (Connecticut, Hawaii, New York, Oregon, Vermont and Washington) and Washington DC, a 16-year-old has the right to an abortion without consent or notification of parents. Thirty-four other states have mechanisms in place to circumvent parental consent or notice requirement. (2)

A 16-year-old can hold a full-time job,Travel outside the country, drive a car and have full responsibility for the children, while someone was babysitting. A 16-year-old can be sentenced for murder as an adult.

But if you're 16, you have no right to say what kind of treatment is to force you out of the medical system, even if your parents support your right to refuse, too. Cherrix told the press: "This is my body that I should worry about. I should have the right to tell anyone what I want to have to do with this body.I have studied. I did the research. I came to this conclusion that the chemotherapy was not the way I wanted to take. "(3) His maturity is no weight in the court and gave no authority charged with the medical judge, his physician.

Parental Rights and the Foundation for medical neglect

When it comes to decisions about their children, parents really have few rights. This term comes from the ancient world and was first continued by Plato put on a state provided publicEducation. He lobbied for the elimination of child care for their parents and raised them as a ward of the state. It is interesting that in 1918, on the formation of the Congress of the Communist Party of the workers was claimed in Russia: "We must remove the children from the crude influence of their families." (4)

The mechanism for the enforcement of "educational neglect" (5)-such as truancy and in some cases, homeschooling (6) - is part of teachers and social workers. In medical decisions,Doctors are forced to medical "standard of care" treatments of the children of parents willing to be charged. Doctors have not only the right to step, they are mandated by state law to report abuse and neglect of medical services for children. The decision is usually made when a physician's action or inaction of a parent's view, places the child in danger of death or disability. A common occurrence is when a parent is a Jehovah's Witness who refuses a blood transfusion for theirChild for religious reasons.

Broad support and extensive court gives priority to the assistance of a physician's decision to call Children's Services. The reason for this authority is clearly stated in a paper that in 1996 states: "Whether (the parents) truly healthy, and in any other capacity model parents, insisting on treatment that is scientifically inferior to conventionally accepted method of treatment is unfair even if their intention is not. "(7)

Since the state is committedwith the premise that knows the "best doctor," are the parents as "unfit" if they refuse, a proposed conventional medical treatment. Social workers have the power to the child once told by a doctor that they pull a recalcitrant patient on the hands. Police have been known to enforce the decision by force of arms.

The current system was established to protect abused and neglected children too obvious. It would provide adequate protection if medical professionals wereaccessible to common sense. In the case of Abraham Cherrix, respects his parents and liked her conventional oncologist enough to inform them about their decision, they want to belong to an ongoing treatment of Abraham. The result reflects the current mess our medical system is in. Unfortunately, common sense is not very common these days and at odds with your doctor can lead to removal of the child from home.

Modern medicine operates under the pretext that "sciencerests. "It argues that their therapies were developed by the research gold standard: the double-blind, placebo-controlled, randomized, crossover study. However, most medical therapies has never been subjected to this type of analysis. Evidence - based medicine since the first since 1990 in progress. The list of standard medical therapies that have to be worthless, having been examined is long. Tens of thousands of people through the use of "usual and sufferedusual therapies before they become useless. (8) The implication that the alternative practices Cherrix searched the family "are unproven and dangerous" may very well be said about the conventional treatments it is forced by his oncologist.

The Cherrix case is one of a series of recent medical travesties where judges, doctors and the State have forced medical treatment of children against the concerns of parents. In January 2005, 13-year-old KatieWernecke was diagnosed with Hodgkin's lymphoma. When Katie's parents, Michelle and Edward Wernecke, radiation declined to intervene for her daughter, Texas Children Services. Katie was in foster care for four months and her mother was placed under arrest on charges of interference with custody of children. (9)

In the past year (July 2006), the parents were informed by a 9-month-old boy, Riley Rogers, the fact that the child needs emergency surgery for a kidney problem. The mother did not agree and smuggledher son from the hospital. A few days later he was found and sent to the hospital, the mother was charged with second-degree kidnapping and sent to prison. It turned out that the operation was not an "emergency" after all. (10)

Americans die at the other on the side of the world into a "fight for freedom." And yet, the freedom to choose vitamins, organic foods and herbs over toxic, potentially lethal treatment is considered a crime. The total number of deaths caused byConventional medicine is more than 780,000 per year, so that (the medical system the leading cause of death and injury in the U.S. 11) Whose freedoms should we fight?

These stories should enrage all parents. Who really "owns" your child? Who owns your body? Americans need to declare their freedom from the grip of conventional medicine and its authoritarian tactics. As clearly by U.S. House of Representatives, Ron Paul, a doctor, "When we told the government the powerto make medical decisions for us, which we accept, in essence, that the state owns our bodies. "Have we at this point?

Justice in the Aftermath

This terrible example of bureaucratic overreach gave birth to Abraham's Law, a law in Virginia law in February 2007 was signed by a 87-9 vote in the House. The law allows parents or legal caregivers to refuse medical treatment for a child when she and the child agree, if the child is at least 14 years old and asMature if they had other options considered, and if they think their decision in the best interest of the child. (12) Virginia legislature did a good thing, by this law, but it is outrageous that the law had to be worked out, the first place. With its passage, but the work has just begun. The next step is to ensure that this right is guaranteed by federal law in every state.

There are many politically active organizations are working diligently to preserveRights of American citizens. Such an organization, the American Association for Health Freedom (AAHF), played a role in the adoption of the law of Abraham. AAHF, the politically active voice for consumers at the federal level, fighting for a right of patients to choose the best therapy for his family to protect. Moreover AAHF will work on state law, the physician's ability, alternative medical treatment without fear of reprisals by government provide medical coverage to adoptboards. Please contact AAHF through the Health Freedom website to engage.

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Friday, December 4, 2009

Hawaii Medical Marijuana 1 of 4

Information network. We share information concerning Hawai'i medicinal cannabis / marijuana laws and practices. Partnered with Maui County Citizens for Democracy in Action (MCCFDIA), PWT has mounted an extensive campaign to the District and State levels to provide better for the medical cannabis / marijuana patients in Hawaii. Maui County Citizens for Democracy in Action (MCCFDIA) is in the middle of the largest voter registration drive people have ever seen ...

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Thursday, December 3, 2009

Kansas Farm Bureau cattle rancher

Healthy animals mean healthy food for you and your family. Farmers and ranchers care deeply about the health, welfare and safety of our animals and we care for the welfare of our animals' quality of life through proper management and protection. Farmers and ranchers adequate food, water and medical care for the health of our animals protect. We also have a reasonable accommodation can be achieved for the livestock show normal behavior at rest and remain protected from disease, competition, injury and predators. Standards...

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Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Barcelo Redworth Hall Hotel Spa, Hotel Health Club

More impressive photo and video galleries can be found at: The award-winning Health & Leisure Club is located on the first floor of Barceló Redworth Hall and is free to use if you stay at the hotel. If you are a local to Redworth Hall and looking for a lifestyle change, why they do not want to visit the team of qualified teachers and find out how you can achieve your goals easier to do here. Enjoy the experience of being part of a team dedicated to your goals ...

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Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Monday, November 30, 2009

Search Iowa Divorce Records Online

Before 19 Century, divorces are rare, especially in Iowa. In fact, divorce was illegal in the more conservative parts. But with the arrival of the century, many countries began the public records at the national level. Divorce records, of course, formed a part of these records of the civil authorities. In the United States divorce records fall under the administration of the Vital Records Office.

Divorce records are in the province, happened in the divorce filed.This can range from the state in which the marriage was registered closed, or even the state in which the people involved live differently. There are a variety of information in a standard divorce record be made.

Details such as names of persons involved, addresses, place and date of divorce, age, children, custody, maintenance and much more. This is the reason why the divorce information and records are important for everyone here have passed and eventually became an important document to a personLife.

In Iowa, divorce and marriage records are as public records, which means that everyone can access and view these records, provided they comply with the few Vital Records Office regulations. The State Center for Health Statistics issues certified copies of certificates and divorce records for various legal reasons like remarriage and immigration used.

In Iowa, divorce and marriage records are not private information and can be requested by anyone. Certified copies of theDivorce certificates and records can be obtained by writing the State Center for Health Statistics. If you simply want the information about the divorce record, you can easily do online, contact your registration district.

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Sunday, November 29, 2009

How To Burn Fat and Keep it Off

The title may sound strange when I say that is not literally churn-Webster definition is a synonym to mix, roll, shake, shake, or even mixed. That's all good about the food and burns still. Well, how important this is.

According to various fitness gurus, nutritious food and nutrition plays an important role in almost 70%. There is no clear justification for this theory. Yes, diet plays a major role, but what balances a nutritious diet is exercise. They are like twoSides of the same coin, which go hand in hand.

Your Fitness Dates are weights, cardio and nutritional diet. It's like two eyes and nose. If one is removed from them, then you affect your life. Similarly, if an ingredient of a fitness program is then removed, it is pointless to even try to lose fat.

It is necessary to remind us to it, that both physical exercise and nutritional importance. However, a point comes when you see improvements inFitness. If either is added during your training progress, leading to a better you.

Let us take an example of a newcomer to the gym. He / She has no idea what nutrition fitness resources. It is then important to thoroughly understand it, what is nutrition and how important fitness is. How do you improve a bad diet you would turn good results to get the muscles, and there is loss of fat. If you have still not good eating habits andMeals edited to change its time. You have to eat at least 5-6 times a day. Replace processed fat in fish and syrup, fruit, vegetables and cereals. They bring a huge difference in your life.

Proteins are an essential part of your diet. They have not only lose weight, but it is maintained low for a long time. Try protein foods like lean meat, say, chicken, fish or eggs. Stick to the protein, and you will see that you have quickly steamed muscles.

You can slog day and night in the gym,but if it does not then nutrition all in vain!

Over time, the new fitness freaks with the beginning of the development of a good firm body, and with time it becomes clear how important it is to stay healthy with diet. First, there are a lot of pressure that will be covered on the body of a beginner. They are not used for any type of strenuous exercise, because of which there can be a lot of pain and pressure on the thighs and calves. However, in no long time after this point moreexercise.

Miss a Popeye episode, with a spoonful of spinach, he gets the strength to fight, and muscles Bluto. Therefore, we must say that "green" are important because they help your bones stronger. So remember to keep the nutrition and fitness in the keep you safe from the fat is.

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Friday, November 27, 2009

Nurse Shortages Continue to Plague the Health Care Industry

Nurses are in demand more than ever. This is good news as far as nurses and those who are still affected in nursing programs. But not so crawl for the hospitals and health institutions to hire new qualified nurses of all disciplines.

The weaknesses in the "care of the supply chain" start from a lack of sufficient care programs in schools, ranging up to the high cost of living in some metropolitan areas.

Sometimes the legislature is not to blameEarmarking enough money to support the existing nursing programs and start new ones. And in some other cases, the realities of the labor market divert nurses distant places for better pay and more promising career challenges.

The nurse shortage is acute in Central Texas, where an additional 5000 nurses will be needed by 2010, which is only three years away at the time of writing this article.

The same holds true for California. According to a study conducted in 2006 by the California HospitalsAssociation, there are 622 nurses for every 100,000 Californians, in contrast to an average of 787 nurses per 100,000 Americans. California is the 49th Rank of 50 states by CHA in availability of nurses.

But parts of California fare even worse. In North County, for example, there are only 356 nurses per 100,000 population.

The situation is similar in parts of Canada. Was in a news story, the hospital in O'Leary, Prince Edward Iceland reported that "go from 16 bedsup to five "for the rest of the summer" when nurses can not be found. "

Paradoxically, sometimes the improvement of general health care actually reduce the demand for nurses. The overall picture is very confusing.

Lorie Shoemaker, chief nurse at Palomar Pomerado Health, is quoted, for example, for pointing to a lower demand for nurses with the "national shift from traditional insurance to managed care plansto focus at the people. "If people feel better and less often sick, move close hospitals and nurses also places where they are needed anymore.

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Thursday, November 26, 2009

How Long Does It Take to Sell My House in Boise Idaho – Ada County

Located in Boise, Idaho, Ada County and other cities such as Eagle, Meridian, Star and Kuna. The average home price in July 2006 in Ada County was $ 279,391. The average home price in July 2007 increased only by 0.5% to 280,819.

Even though the average home price by only 0.5%, the number of days a house on the market before it has accepted an offer has increased by 200% over the last few years. The average number of days to sell your house in Ada> County, including Boise, Idaho is 51 days. Then, after the 51-day period, you usually have another 30 days before your buyer closes on your homepage. This is up to an average selling time of 81 days to a home about 3 months.

Be aware that 81 days is an average, and average selling time in your house that much time to better your house in tip top shape and small in price get sold. Home buyers are not hesitating to ask the costs for the closure, extended closing dateTimes, price cuts and other items, the cost to the seller are.

Currently there are over 5,000 homes on the market in Ada County. Last month, sold about 650 homes. If we assume have had to sell 650 homes each month, and no other houses on the market, there is a 7.5 months supply of homes on the market. Compare this to 4.5 months of inventory last year at this time, and you can be sure that the sellers market is over.

Many homeowners in BoiseConfirmation still have 81 days to sell their home. Because life is changing every day. Divorce, foreclosure, bankruptcy, employment changes, health issues, family changes, all changes in life that each can happen.

If your life has recently changed and you need to sell your house quickly, I recommend setting up with your local professional home buyer. You can sell your property quickly, select the date you want to close, and move on with your life. Finally, you havenothing to lose and you can only through the free offer you get to be surprised.

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Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

OCgreenTV Episode 1

OCgreenTV's first episode! Featured Interview with Michael Whaley: Director, Environmental Health & Safety of Allergan. Allergan is a specialty pharmaceutical company with 5000 + employees, products marketed in 100 countries. There's more to come, as we interview the top 100 companies of Orange County. ... Orange County, OC Green Michael Whaley, Allergan Carbon Emissions

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Sunday, November 22, 2009

American Extreme Rescue - Homeless in Arizona

American Extreme Rescue - Homeless in Arizona. We need to help the homeless in this community, we must give them a helping hand. Maricopa County, estimated that at least 20000-30000 homeless at any given time. One in five is aged 18 years. 30% of the homeless are families with children. About 42% of the homeless community are drug addicts. At least 25% have severe mental disorders such as depression or schizophrenia. 11% as a dual diagnosis for ...

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Monday, November 16, 2009

H1N1 Vaccines For General Public...

The Marion County Health Department plans to receive delivery of the H1N1 vaccine, Wednesday. Original video: Preferred channel Find out before the vaccine. Wake up before too late .... Dont trust the government ... Say no to vaccines! MUST SEE: JABS JABS WEBSITE vaccine damage payment Vaccine Damage Payment claim form - Department for Work and Pensions website download ...

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Sunday, November 15, 2009

Health - What is Osteopenia?

Osteopenia than the first step on the road to osteoporosis, a serious disease in which bone density is extremely low. Osteopenia, if untreated, can lead to osteoporosis. Osteopenia encompasses a wide range of risks, including fracture age, bone density, and clinical risk factors. Osteopenia, a milder bone-loss disease that is lesser known, but an estimated eighteen million young and middle-aged women, including those mentioned in their late teens and earlytwenties.

Some people who osteopenia is not osteoporosis, but they can of course also have a lower bone density. It is with a bone mineral density (BMD) test is diagnosed, usually done to see whether a person has osteoporosis. A standard X-ray is not useful in diagnosing osteopenia because it is not sensitive enough to detect small amounts of bone loss or minor changes of bone density. Bones do not reach their greatest density until about 30 years old. For children and young peoplethan 30, is everything that helps increase bone density, have a positive long term benefits. A balanced diet and regular exercise will be delayed to prevent a slowdown in the loss of bone density, delay osteopenia and osteoporosis.

Women are much more likely to develop osteopenia and osteoporosis than men because they lose bone mass faster and faster. Women who diet excessively to maintain a low body weight often eliminate dairy products from their diets. Thus, they are at an increased risk of boneLoss, because their main source of calcium, an important source of bone loss. Women should eat healthily, maintain a stable weight, exercise and avoiding smoking. Low bone mass is about 50 percent of women in the 50's and more than 85 percent of women in the 70s. About 90 percent of women between the ages of seventy-five have experienced a fracture. Osteopenia are estimated eighteen million young and middle aged women. The fact that women in theirlate teens and early twenties. It is imperative that we protect our young girls that they need to eat healthy and have food that is high in calcium to teach in their diets.

To ensure good bone health, you should have a balanced diet that includes adequate calcium and vitamin D has to keep eating, with additions, if necessary. They should also incorporate regular physical activity, stop smoking, and used for the prevention of severe alcohol. While most doctors would recommend medication for women with osteoporosisPrevent breakage, argue doctors, whether medications are necessary for women with osteopenia, the less severe form of bone density.

Calcium is the most important mineral for maintaining bone mass. It is an important source of bone strength leads. Women, to eliminate dairy products from their diet, lose their primary source of calcium. Could help the low bone density. In addition, diuretics, antacids, chemotherapy, hormone therapy for cancer, lithium, and some medications for seizures can alsoDegradation of bone calcium. Skeletal mass is the highest in the 30's years, and is dependent on nutrition (calcium and vitamin D), physical activity, and genetics. It is important enough calcium and vitamin D consumed in the course of your life to achieve the maximum bone density in early and middle years and to keep the bones in later years. For most adults, a daily intake from 1200 to 1500 mg calcium and 400-800 IU of vitamin D is both safe and effective. Vitamin D helps your body absorbCalcium and other minerals. It is added to milk and can be taken in calcium and vitamin supplements. Magnesium is also crucial to bone health. It works to keep the calcium in the bones and out of your soft tissues.

Osteopenia and osteoporosis are not always problems of insufficient calcium intake, but the wrong calcium utilization. Osteopenia can result from a variety of other conditions, disease processes or treatments. In addition, diuretics, antacids,Chemotherapy, hormone therapy can treat cancer, lithium, and some medications for the seizures to a reduction in bone calcium. There are usually no symptoms with osteopenia and the disease can go undiagnosed until a fracture.

Treatment options for osteopenia are often the same methods used in the treatment of osteoporosis. The treatment depends on age and risk factors, but often contains calcium and vitamin D along with a program of exposure exercises. For some peopleMedicines are prescribed. The treatment is strongly recommended to stop further bone loss and minimize the risk of bone fracture.

Osteopenia usually occurs gradually over many years. It is the name for the bone that you have used less dense than normal. Osteopenia is done either when the body does not produce enough new bone, when too much old bone from the body, or if there are both absorbed form. Forget everything to prevent it, osteopenia and osteoporosis, because they both can dolead to fractures.

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Saturday, November 14, 2009

Ready For A Party But Don't Know Where To Go In Orange County, CA?

Sometimes, if there's a special event or occasion in our family we have, frankly, I do not know where to go! We have all ages, budgets and the food tastes to consider how most people. It is not necessary to the family, sometimes people what a social peace or with friends.

Where to go? Fortunately, Orange County, California has so many restaurants that come with a list of very worthwhile selection was not as difficult as what I thought it would be. Here are some of the top --Candidates:

The Old Spaghetti Factory in Newport Beach. This is of course the budget friendly. An application is not always accepted here, but that's okay, there's a lively bar upstairs, with interesting shops, and close the infamous "Crab Cooker", but literally turn a corner, if you overcome one shrimp cocktail until you Your name will be called on. There are several ways sauce, but they adhere to the essentials.

Buca Di Beppo in several places in the province.Another place, Italian, encouraging them "family" here to share. The plates are very large, rich doggie bags. Then he went with his family and employees (at different times of course), I can attest that the food is good, fresh and the staff are anxious to please them both and make suggestions.

Romano's Macaroni Grill has a few county offices. Italian cuisine is also on the menu, but they are taking diet! If someone has a specific allergy or food "program has, it willits best to ensure that all requirements are met. Plus, they have an added bonus, many people here have beautiful opera singing voices and love for dinner. Particularly amusing is when someone's birthday. Also great if you have children, are the tables with butcher paper and crayons and drawings are encouraged to thank covered.

BJ's Brewery is on the whole body and are always busy! The micro-beers on tap, the food is fresh and tasty and it's a hit for all ages. Our 13-year-oldNiece has her meal as much as 78 years old my father!

For a senior or special occasion, you might want to book on one of the next three to be made:

Marrakech is located along the coast. If you love Moroccan food, belly dancing and big soft small dining seats then this is the place for you! Eating with fingers is not only allowed, but it's the only way. My husband and I here twice on doubles, but we have groups of up to a dozen have seen a pretty good time trying toEquilibrium even eat! Okay, I would not grandma and grandpa here if they traditionalists, but who knows, maybe they have the time of her life!

La Fondue and The Melting Pot is the most expensive of all these places. They are very romantic in the decor and service. Since they serve what, fondue, it's a very intimate evening. My husband and I went to La Fondue on the day after Valentine's Day and had a very nice time. They were very accommodating, my milkFor allergy sufferers, which impressed me to the nth degree. They made our chocolate fondue without cream! It has some additional nice berries! Plus, they worried that even though I could not eat real cheese fondue that the rest of the meal was more than "safe". What I appreciate especially with chocolate!

So there you have it-as a scaffold budget of about $ 10 per person in the high end of $ 75 per person. But her group wants to celebrate, Orange County, you havecovered!

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Friday, November 13, 2009

SLVHD LadyKiller - 30 Second Commercial Spot

30-second commercial for ... "Salt Lake County" Valley Health Department SLVHD Info Information crypto cryptosporidium

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Wednesday, November 11, 2009

New Jersey Medicaid Waiver Programs

When a New Jersey resident, is required in the medical treatment, but then not to receive services under the state Medicaid program, it is be beneficial to explore the many waiver programs that are not available. These government programs are still a form of Medicaid, but have different restrictions and requirements and can have a wide range of home and community-based services. Many of the offered services designed to support, which would remain a resident in their homeland and not allow then enter into a nursing facility.

CCPED (Community Care program for the elderly and the disabled)

This Medicaid Waiver program provides services for people at risk who are in a nursing home. The program aims to delay or prevent the placement remain in a facility by a person in their community and at home. The participants receive Care Management services and other services, including prescription drugs, social, domestic and day> Health care. Applicants must meet a certain income requirements, and inclusion in the program is limited.

CAP (Caregiver Assistance Program)

This program is similar to CCPED because it is destined to persons run the risk that are in a nursing home to help. CAP offers many of the same services and some additional, as laborious and housewives services and special medical equipment and supplies. Applicants must be clinical and financial requirementsand services are limited by monthly cost.

ACCAP (AIDS Care Alternatives Program)

This program is for people diagnosed as AIDS, and children under 13 years can be diagnosed that HIV-positive. ACCAP provides full Medicaid benefits and benefits to individuals who can remain in the community, rather than be transferred to a nursing home or hospital facility. The program can be used for more than 750 people nationwide at anyTime.

TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury) Fund

This program is offered in New Jersey residents with an acquired brain injury and provides services and support that they can live independently in the community. The Fund does not provide support for the policy, resources and public programs are able to meet individual needs. Candidates must be resident of the State for at least 90 consecutive days, provide medical documentation of acquired brain injury andmeet some financial guidelines.

JACC (Jersey Assistance for the Commonwealth Advisor)

This program is similar to CCPED and GAP, and offers many of the same services. However JACC helps people who do not qualify for Medicaid or Medicaid waiver services. Candidates must be clinically eligible for nursing facility level of care, have no other option for the purchase of needed services and meet some financial guidelines. JACC has a lower limit maximum monthly benefitsto pay as CCPED and GAP and cooperation are required.

These programs also work with the national Respite Care program provides. This program support for unpaid carers by sharing responsibilities and offers a variety of home and community-based services for disabled and elderly. These services can be used occasionally or at regular times. The program also aims to aims to delay or deter a person from investing in a nursing home. Applicants must be somefinancial requirements and in need of Medicaid programs are enrolled to receive the additional Respite Care.

In addition to these national programs, there are also services that are on programs administered by the districts. For example, could the residents of Middlesex County for the Middlesex County Multi-Assistance Program (MCMAP). If you could reside in New Jersey and in the community or in residential care need to be in contactState or provincial Department of Human Services or contact a Home Health Care provider for your needs, determine eligibility and to process the application.

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Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Another Exciting Health Niche - Natural Products For the Ethnic Market

Ethnic Minorities in America, traditionally a rather neglected segment in some markets present a great opportunity for marketers of natural health products. Here are three possibilities, as a part of this growth market:

1. Address different health concerns of different breeds.

Colored by most measures of health and wellness at a disadvantage. For example:

- Black women have about a 60% higher risk for heart disease than white women.
- U.S. blacks and other minorities face greater cancer risks than whites.
- Diabetes rates for Hispanics and blacks in Los Angeles County were almost twice as high as for whites and Asians / Pacific Islanders in 2005 to Los Angeles County Department of Public Health officials.

Traditional health care have not adequately address the needs of these groups. Of course, should be dealt with serious health problemsby a doctor. Nevertheless, natural health products play an important role in the prevention and maintenance, and the market is wide open for special attention to minorities.

2. Grab this wonderful opportunity: Beauty Products for Blacks.

After the Anupreeta grow in a Reuters article, "How the size and buying power of minorities in the United States, beauty companies are creating new lines of shampoos and skin care products in the African-American, Asian-American and targetLatin American women .... [A] group of multicultural models have been adjusted to include new products from companies that have traditionally targeted white women and promote their beauty concerns. Analysts say the strategy is an ongoing trend of growth in many fashion and beauty could drive segments. "

As I discuss in my article "5 reasons why the natural health market is booming Needs to Target Women", the natural beauty products. With the drawbacks of traditional beauty products,include high cost and the chemical sensitivity, natural beauty products are a welcome solution. The possibilities include hair care products, skin care products, wellness products and mineral make-up, among others. Who in a lucrative niche in the natural health market should be seriously exploring this too.

3. Do you speak your marketing materials for a variety of ethnic groups.

Simply post your online and print materials to address the specific needs and concerns ofvarious ethnic groups will help you to tap into this market. For example:

- Create customized web pages, autoresponders and advertisements.
- Feature members of different ethnic groups in your graphics.
- Offer educational and informational purposes only products that meet the needs of each group address.

With minorities expected to grow and with it the improvement of economic situation, is to be this, where natural health products companies want - marketing to minorities.

Make sureTeam with a copywriter who passionate about the natural health business!

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Monday, November 9, 2009

Harlan County, USA (1976) - John Sayles Interview

This documentary won an Oscar and it is a very powerful film! I saw a lady in the film as a local hero for health care for the poor. There is a clinic to this day by her. Eula Hall, you can read here:

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Sunday, November 8, 2009

Residential Water Treatments - Well Water Frequently Asked Questions

In the year 1999 - 2000, drinking contaminated water from private drinking water and causes 26% of epidemic and people ill in the U.S. alone. Not The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA shall apply) the rules to protect public drinking water systems to private wells. Most states have rules for private wells, but these rules may not completely protect your own well.

A private, owner, you must make sure that even the water safe enough to drink. Thelocal health authorities in your area or environmental department can help, please advise.

Check Your Well Water System

Be sure to check well every spring to monitor any mechanical problems, test it once a year for bacteria and once every two to three years for dangerous chemicals. You should also test your well, if there any known problems with well water in your area, or you have problems near your well meaning, flooding, land disturbances and experiencedLandfills in the vicinity, or replace all or part of your system well.

Now you determine if water is contaminated

The only way to discover if that is healthy water is contaminated, to test it. You can get in touch with your health or environmental department or a private water-testing laboratory in your area to germs and unsafe chemicals. It is a condition usually tested in some areas for the drilling contractor to a new well after itbuilt. On the other hand, as well as private landlords, it is up to you to maintain your well and have tested it frequently.

Germs and chemicals in well water

Germs and chemicals can get into your well and contaminate it in different ways. Some germs and chemicals, of course, diving. For example, heavy metals such as arsenic, lead, cadmium, and are naturally in rocks and soil, and sometimes from found in the groundwater. Other contaminants come from human and animal wastefrom polluted storm water runoff, agricultural runoff, flooded sewers, or individual septic tank systems that are not working properly.

Kind of germs and chemicals found

Certain bacteria and chemicals can cause diseases in drinking water and carry out a threat to your health. Frequent tests are listed as follows:

Total Coliforms - Coliform bacteria are microbes found in the digestive system of warm-blooded animals, in soil, on plants, and inSurface water. If the entire quantity of bacteria is high, then it is quite possible that harmful germs like viruses, bacteria and parasites are also found in the water.

Fecal Coliform / Escherichia coli - Fecal coliform bacteria are found in feces (or stool) and the stomach of humans and warm-blooded animals contain millions of fecal bacteria. These harmful germs can cause diarrhea, dysentery and hepatitis.

Nitrates - Nitrates are naturally found in many types of foods, but highNitrate in drinking water can make people sick. Nitrates in water can also come from animal waste, private septic systems, wastewater, flooded sewers, polluted storm water runoff, fertilizers, agricultural runoff, and decaying plants. A nitrate test is recommended for all wells. If the nitrate content in water is higher than the EPA standards, should you look for other sources of water and ways to treat your water.

Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) - VOCs are industrial --and fuel-related chemicals, potentially leading to bad health effects at certain levels. Ask for tests benzene, carbon tetrachloride, toluene, trichloroethelene and methyl tertiary butyl ether (MTBE).

pH The pH value indicates how acidic or alkaline your water. Can change the pH of the water as the water looks and tastes good. When the pH of your water is too low or too high, it could damage your pipes causing heavy metals like lead in the pipes leak in the water, and eventually makes you sick.

Pathogens or harmful chemicals
Pathogens or harmful chemicals, you should test for on where your best interests are on your property, which state that depend on where you live whether you live in an urban or rural area. These tests can test for lead, arsenic, mercury, radium and other pesticides.

Remember to say when the test results that it should be germs or chemicals in the well water, contact your local> Health and Environment Department for help and test your water more often.

What happens when the well water has odd odor or taste

A change in the taste of your water, the color or odor is often of concern for the health. But a change was a sign of a serious contamination problems. If you notice a change in your water, call it tested.

Where to go for well water testing

Local or state health or environmental reasons departments often testfor bacteria and nitrates. health or environmental department or county governments should have a list of certified (licensed) laboratories in your area, the test for a variety of substances.

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Saturday, November 7, 2009

CHHS Director discusses PG County furloughs ruling & Citizens United v. FEC - 8/19/09

Michael Greenberger, JD, founder and director of the University of Maryland Center for Health and Homeland Security (CHHS), is interviewed on WUSA TV in Washington, DC, via a U.S. federal court ruling on cancellation of leave for Prince George's County (Maryland) employees, and listen to the U.S. Supreme Court planned special September meeting to the citizens of the United v. Federal Election Commission case.

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Friday, November 6, 2009

Ted Kennedy on Health Care

Senator Edward Kennedy spoke passionately trying to health care reform during his career can not prevail. In this video he talks about the struggles of his own family in the past with illness and injuries, and now he is in front of his battle with cancer.

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Wednesday, November 4, 2009

NRC Ruling in New Mexico Moves

"The jury's decision was wrong," shouted environmental activist Chris Shuey in his cell phone during a chat with last Friday. "It sets a terrible example for other mining companies." Shuey, the Southwest Research and Information Center in Albuquerque, New Mexico, based not clear how the recent decision of the Covenant in favor of the Texas-based Uranium Resources (OTC BB: Urix) subsidiary, Hydro Resources Inc. (HRI). Since nearly two decades, SouthwestResearch and Information Center (SRIC) and Chris Shuey have clung to a fanatical position: uranium mining is bad. Federal and local government regulatory bodies do not agree, having voted in SRIC and Mr. Shuey every step along the path.

A 6 January ruling by a three-judge panel of the Atomic Safety and Licensing Board in Rockville, Maryland shot down Shuey challenges of radiological air emissions. "The NRC (Nuclear Regulatory Commission) and the judge continued mining, support"Shuey lectured into his mobile phone. “We continue to legally challenge.” For more than eight years since the NRC granted HRI a materials license to perform ISL mining at four sites in McKinley County, SRIC has engaged in what the licensing board calls “protracted litigation” to stop HRI from supplying much-needed uranium for U.S. utilities. The recent federal ruling stated, “HRI’s operations will not be inimical to public health and safety.”

Other uranium Companies in the ASLB ruling pleased. After a historical geological report is written by the McLemore and Chenoweth in 2003, proposed about 588 million pounds of uranium after the area produced 348 million pounds by the year 2001. An asset valued at more than $ 21 billion and growing every month, worth more, is certainly a cause for celebration. The recent decision can help to expedite the approval process and development of uranium deposits in New Mexico.

"It helps that theCommunity regulatory light on the inaccuracies, and on the disingenuous approach of anti-nuclear contingent brings the argument, "said Juan Velasquez, Vice President of Environmental and Regulatory Affairs for Strathmore Minerals (TSX: STM; Other OTC: STHJF) in a telephone interview to allow Strathmore office in Santa Fe, New Mexico. "Everything is moving, what are these properties closer to production is a good thing for Strathmore, the environment and for the countryas a whole, as we move forward and look towards energy independence. "William Sheriff, Director of Corporate Development for Energy Metals (TSX: EMC), agreed:" I think the decisions of the NRC (via URI and HRI applications, which are very positive. It's just another step towards production. "Dallas resident sheriff is considered one of the leading developers in prospect, the United States. Energy Metals Corp. It plans to homes in New Mexico's Grants Uranium Belt of the development of the nextDecade. Velasquez, who was now more optimistic Strathmore's Church Rock project move forward to the production, added: "The decision has some faith in those of us who covered that the NRC will not use common sense in coming for their decisions." requested an opinion from a Santa Fe lawyer not in the most recent case involved, but who was familiar with the verdict. While the claim that he is not in this article, said the lawyer be appointed: "It was a very sensibleDecision, and what might be expected. The decision was scientifically sound. "Chris Pugsley, HRI lawyer in Washington, DC-based law firm Thompson and Simmons, the repeated defended the case that prosecutors feelings, and said:" It was a decision on sound technology and extensive industry experience and. The decision was a confirmation that ISL mining is environmentally friendly and the future of the domestic uranium mining. "Pugsley said:" This was soundScience and the correct interpretation of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission and requirements. "John DeJoia, concluded Strathmore's Vice President of Technical Services," It makes me very optimistic about the production of uranium domestically and) particularly in the Gallup (New Mexico area. It is a confirmation of the original provision of the NRC. "

These were not the first legal setbacks for SRIC. In November, New Mexico McKinley County Water BoardSRIC denounced allegations of contamination of groundwater, a cause of environmental protection organization championed for a decade. The Water Board criticized the group, writing, "What we find, however, are untenable statements. The experts from the Southwest Research and Information Center offers a variety of speculations and theories that could never be proved or disproved and headings of the bloody consequences. The is not science. Science requires that we look at the data and come to a conclusion on the basisthe evidence presented. "She concluded:" The mining industry in the proposed by HRI and the Nuclear Regulatory Commission has approved safe and protect our groundwater sources. "

In a ruling 20th July, the ASLB stronger wording, labeling is a lot of arguments SRIC of possible contamination of Crown Point, Fountain of operations HRI as "insignificant" and "dishonest." In a separate 6th Submitted January, described the ASLB as a central demand SRIC"Unfounded allegation." It is run defeat after another for SRIC and her lawyer, Eric Jantz was. His firm, New Mexico Environmental Law Center, had recently hosted "A Special Evening with Ted Turner, the maverick billionaire, as a fundraiser, to stop to uranium mining. On 11 January, five commissioners with the entire Commission, the NRC SRIC appeal is dismissed. They refused to check a SRIC petition to the groundwater case. Velasquez, Strathmore, said therecent legal decisions nullified SRIC challenges: "If you are an environmentalist, it has to make, ask yourself when you go to stop seriously." As the spot price of uranium continues its march to $ 40/pound and higher, which must SRIC voice may find a new audience, or a new cause.

ISL mining and "pristine" groundwater

According to the World Nuclear Association (WNA), "ISL mining, that distance is of the uranium mineral resources without writtenall major soil disturbance. The WNA says, ISL, or in-situ leaching. as follows, "slightly acidified or alkaline groundwater is injected with a quantity of oxygen in it will be dispatched by holding a closed underground aquifer, the uranium ore in loose sands. The leaching solution with dissolved uranium is then pumped to the surface water treatment plant will be." After The WNA, more than 20 percent of the world's uranium is mined by ISL methods. At least four uranium companies plan toISL develop operations in New Mexico: Uranium Resources (URI), Strathmore Minerals, Energy Metals and Max Resources (TSX: MXR). URI, Strathmore Minerals and Energy Metals specializes in the development of measures in the Church Rock and Crownpoint areas. None of the properties are located on the Navajo reservation is located.

One of the anti-nuclear movement disputes over ISL mining is that the injected water can not be contained. The SRIC house organ, voices from the earth,Mitchell Capitan, a Navajo activist who is top billing in the spring 2005 edition. Inflated as a former Mobil Oil lab SRIC has mysteriously made Capitan an expert in ISL mining. In his interview Capitan said, "Mobil was doing a pilot project with the in situ leach mining west of Crownpoint. I worked in the lab with the engineers. And no matter how hard we tried, we never get all the uranium from the water as mobile abandoned. We completed the project. "

CraigBartels, president of Hydro Resources, whose parent company Uranium Resources helped pioneer ISL mining is different in the United States, the assessment Capitan is the closure of Mobil Oil. "It is wrong to say someone is down for mobile ISL, because she could not contain. It is also wrong to say that Mobil shut down because they said not to restore or clean up the water." Bartels what happened, " They ran a pilot plant, including the restoration, in the early 1980s. WhenPrice (of uranium), they decreased dramatically put, a well and that got out of the business. "Bartels believes mobile" it would be out today if the price stayed up. "

Nevertheless SRIC and keep Capitan's basic argument Navajo group, ENDAUM (Eastern Navajo Dine Against Uranium Mining), that ISL mining would contaminate groundwater and the ISL process is faulty or dangerous. Dr. John Fogarty, chief of staff for the Indian Health Service Hospitalin Crown Point, New Mexico, argued as the ad hoc doctor, "The mining company intends to inject chemicals down into the aquifer, near the town water supply. These chemicals are caustic or strip the uranium off the rock into the aquifer basically creating a toxic soup. "

Unfortunately, Dr. Fogarty on the chemistry is described in the ISL mining. The lixiviant solution frequently used in the United States, sodium bicarbonate, or in the kitchen know, bakingSoda. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) describes this process: "The extraction of uranium mining injection wells is the most common technique for this mineral. An injection of the formation is drilled, the mineral salt." The EPA describes the steps of the ISL Method:

"The process for the extraction of uranium salts include:

• injecting a leaching solution called lixiviant contained in the mineralEducation;

• Allowing an adequate contact of the lixiviant in the mineral zone;

• Extraction of the nearly saturated lixiviant to the surface;

• Separation of uranium salts from the lixiviant. "

In an interview with world-renowned nuclear physicist Dr. Fred Begay, who also described the Navajo, is located in Los Alamos (New Mexico) area, he chemicals in the ISL mining "What are you down there in the pump is baking soda . We asked Dr.Begay, "That's it?" He compared them to work in the kitchen and the procedure was as safe as the baking of bread. What about water? Begay said: "The uranium is already there." And because the uranium is already there, has an a priori ground water contamination.

Bartels also rejected accusations Dr. Fogarty's. "We hear all the time:" The water is pristine drinking water. "That is not correct. The water is already toxic." Bartelsexplained exactly why the water in question is already damaged, "Any place where there is a commercial ore body that would be no water fit to drink. The groundwater is already contaminated." He pointed out: "There is A huge amount of uranium was mainly through this area not only in this aquifer, but in the overlying aquifer, that they call themselves the Dakota sandstone. "Overall, about one billion pounds of uranium may be dispersed throughout the region against uranium mining beganin the 1950s. In comments he 11th January during the Gallup Independent HRI's Pelizza noted SRIC hypocritical attitude: "It seems that fundraising is a driving force behind their rhetoric ... they completely ignore the health effects of the same radon from the uranium ore body where they are directly produced as drinking water - instead, they call this water "untouched, not 'and not the people, their invitation to danger. Why is this so? "

Radon gas and ISLMining

What is the radon released during the extraction of uranium? "If you have any commercial quantity of uranium, radon is already there," said Bartels. "But we did not do anything to it. We did not mobilize. We have no influence on them, unlike us are not allowed, and we will not free it into the atmosphere."

Why did the NRC rule in favor of HRI that would ISL mining is not a threat to public health? Bartels described the process, "We useVessels under pressure. It is part of the solution, which goes around and around. Everything comes to the surface, but do not enter the atmosphere. It is a model that simulates and estimates of how much radiation dose to ensure that you post to ensure that the health of people in the area is not compromised. "

Velasquez was adamant about SRIC air emission requirements, "the ideas that they are related to radon simply intolerable and wrong." Fewhow to detect radon gas found common on Earth. Velasquez added, "You and I, radon every time we are over a spade of dirt in our garden. The biggest emitters of radon gas in this country is agriculture, since it reaches the ground. No one is angry." Scott Heaberlin writes in his widely read treatise, A case for nuclear generated electricity (Battelle Press, 2004), "Because uranium is basically everywhere in the world soRadon. "

Highly respected Strathmore Minerals President David Miller, who has served as an ISL geological consultant to the International Atomic Energy Agency, and is a three-term Wyoming legislator considers ISL mining actually reduce the radon problem for the Navajos, "Removal of uranium today and reduce movement of the uranium from the project future radon gas generation in the environment. "He appealed on the basis of common sense that the Navajos were doing a disservice to their ownHealth: "If the Navajo uranium mining permit on the reservation, then trillions Future radon atoms are not on the reservation is made."

The SRIC panic about the background radiation can be for naught. In a General Accounting Office report entitled, Radiation placed Standards (June 2000) noted: "... we examined 82 studies that were generally little or no evidence of increased cancer risk from high natural background radiation levels ... Total the studies' results arenot conclusive, but they show that an exposure of a few hundred millirem a year, and below the cancer risk of radiation can be either very small or nonexistent. "To put this into perspective by taking a chest x-ray of your doctor, you are exposed to 20 to 40 millirem (mrem) of radiation. They live in Gallup, New Mexico, the largest city near the Church Rock Uranium projects that would be an annual dose of about 60 mrem. The Nuclear Regulatory Commission'sallowable annual radiation exposure is 5,000 mrem. After which they live, some survive on this planet, despite continuing very strong terrestrial sources of very high radon concentrations. Give a few places in Europe can mrem 5000 inhabitants per year. In Iran, Sudan and Brazil, could be up to 3800 mrem per year. Some places in India, the dose with the locals to 1500 mrem per year.

Radon studies have been conducted. The prestigious New England Journal ofMedicine published a study titled "Residential radon and lung cancer in Sweden" (January 20, 1994). The scientific team examined residential radon as the main source of exposure to ionizing radiation. The study concluded, "In general, the radon concentration increases when a window is kept open. A window ajar is an exchange of 10 to 30 cubic meters of air per hour at a wind speed of 3 meters per second. This can be two to three times the normal airExchange and thus radon concentrations can be reduced from 50 to 70 percent. "

The same principle applies to the uranium mining. The industry has increased with fans for several decades, radon gas vent and the safety of their workers.

Copyright © 2007 by Stock interview, Inc. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

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Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Power - Knowledge - Health Insurance Fraud and Policy Holder Disaster

The best way to protect yourself against a lawsuit from a health insurance company is to know what types of activities are and are not considered fraud. Despite the treatment that insurance companies often receive in movies and paperback novels, they are generally speaking, not evil corporations who wish to steal from their patients and badger their families; in fact most coverage companies are of the tepid, modest, entrepreneurial variety. However, if you break a law, or if they think that you are guilty of insurance fraud, will come from companies reporting after the cruel and follow to the full extent of the law. Although it use the unnecessary from the perspective of lay point of view, coverage companies reduce these aggressive tactics, which amounts to hundreds of thousands of dollars in lost money for them each year in the form of insurance fraud. Simply put, your best bet is to not be fraudulent, and remain the safest way to legally is throughknowing the law.

There are two types of insurance fraud: hard and soft. Hard fraud is about the actions undertaken with the express intention of conning tower of an insurance company, an insurer or a doctor. An example would be the classic movie scenario of a person who has an expensive policy on a car, intentionally wrecking that car, and then try to reporting on the funds collected intentional wreck. Hard fraud tendrare it is without doubt an activity that should be avoided at all costs. It could be the less common of the two types, but insurance companies will do their best to put you in jail for a longer period if they believe you are trying to con them specifically from large amounts of money.

Soft fraud is somewhat ambiguous, but equally dangerous and certainly worth your attention and aversion as well as. It covers both the acts of deception, if it can not be demonstratedthat a person voluntarily planned and executed maneuvers to an insurance company through an elaborate system of fraud. This means that whenever there is a policy-holder on the conditions in their home country or the condition of an injury or an accident or decorates the size of their claims, they are soft commit fraud. It is remarkable that the policyholders are not the perpetrators often made of soft-deception but it is the health care system (even the doctors and dentists), the most likelyoften make use of these fraudulent techniques, probably from a rooted sense of duty and empathy for the patient. Regardless, you should insist on the current charges and reporting of the facts in order to ensure that no one will be prosecuted at the end for these types of fees.

The health insurance companies take such drastic measures because of the substantial sums that they lose each year to fraud. In order to avoid a random or one-time fraud, the losing end of theirMoney and living by a lawsuit, make sure you know the rules and follow them at all times.

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Monday, November 2, 2009

Orange County Plastic Surgeon Search

The main problem is that the abundance. Finding an Orange County plastic surgeon is easy, the problem of the Orange County plastic surgeon to find - one that will meet your expectations. Start by searching the Internet. There, you'll probably find about fifty plastic surgeons for a start. If your list, start contacting them one by one. I know this is time consuming, but plastic surgery is surgery, not some kind of magic. Narrow your list for those whoSpecialize in the type of surgery you want and visit the clinics.

How do you find the right plastic surgeon available?

Every Orange County plastic surgeon worth it, you will be a short walk around the clinic to show you what goes on there. If they ask you firmly out of sight in an office, it's a big minus. The second checkpoint is the plastic surgery picture. Ask them to sell you the "before / after" photos of patients having similar surgery. Evenin Orange County, every plastic surgeon to show you the pictures. Check them carefully - if in any of them you will see, withdraw makeup. All these photos are used for medical purposes and taking photos in make-up just means that it is hiding something. If both the foot and went to check the pictures, you can get to work.

The things you should consider prior to surgery

The prices are very high in Orange County. Every plastic surgeon living there isprofessional, so that prices are "professional" too. You do not have the money worries, though. You are about to have surgery to save 300 euros on each one and risking some surgery complications instead is not too bright idea. Remember, it is the professionalism of the search, not a rebate. Every Orange County plastic surgeon is a professional, but you want to select "the best of the best", is not it? The money you spend is only a secondary problem then. I say this because we tendforget about it with each purchase or negotiation, and we just think our money.

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